
Sunday, December 29, 2013

The "Year of Yes" ends

Life is a long lesson in humility.*

Looking back at my earlier posts and thinking about the year overall, 2013 was a success. Of course there were times I failed to cheerfully, or completely, or confidently say yes to things during this "Year of Yes.  Old habits (that formed for good reason) of over thinking and assuming control have ceased to be useful, but die hard. Yet, on the whole, accepting the world, doing my best, seeing what happens and sharing success were worth the effort. And this approach to life is worth trying to get better at.

In 2014 my goal is to push the envelope of "Yes" and add a healthy dollop of humility. Having proved to myself that I benefit from saying "yes" to new and even uncomfortable things, how much better could I feel/do by dismissing the accompanying shroud of judgment that still automatically drops onto every "yes?" Could I more fully embrace whatever I'm saying "yes" to, release the attachment to "owing" it and be a better co-creator? I think so. And if I'm honest, I think it would be welcome by those across the table and the world at large.

None of this is rocket science. At the same time, change is hard. After a lifetime of frustration over the lack of change by the world to fit my view of it, now I'm trying to change only myself.

* This quote is attributed to James Matthew Barrie, a Scottish dramatist and novelist best known as the creator of Peter Pan. He lived from 1860-1937.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Thank you Maya Angelou

Where was Maya Angelou when I needed her wisdom? What a wonderful statement of the appropriateness of doing the best you know how. The best given the circumstances. Rather than blaming myself for not doing something or not doing it perfectly, it would have been so comforting to accept that learning inevitably means that it's likely that there will be many, many mistakes.

The other side of the statement though does imply an obligation. Once you know better, it's not ok to continue to do less. We are obliged to put our learning to work and do better. If only we would....