
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

More Than Enough

Recently I came upon a quote about gratitude. It knocked me down and picked me up. It was:

Gratitude turns what we have into enough. 

Why, yes it does. Maybe that's why those meals that are scraped together from whatever is around - some veggies and a little bulgar left to marinate and then sauteed - are some of the ones I enjoy the most. Unplanned tastes mingle together and may never be created exactly the same way again. Nothing is written down. It is just done and enjoyed. Ah....

I don't need "more." I need "better." With better I can make do with less because I truly enjoy whatever is better - the vegetables, the wine, the balsamic vinegar in the marinade. More is simply more. Better is better. And better trumps more every time in my book. 

I am grateful that I am able to live a simple life. That I have work that is meaningful to me. Even today's grey sky that keeps me inside and focused. Some things I'm grateful for I have worked hard to bring about; some happened with no input from me. But gratefulness is my conscious choice. 

Enough is enough. Not too much, not too little. Enough.