
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

How can we...

There is much work that needs to be done to create a food system that is sustainable, healthy, profitable and fair. And there are those who say that it can't be done, that healthy food is inevitably going to be out of the reach of the less well off. That it isn't possible to change a culture that is addicted to convenience (even at the expense of health) and disconnected from the seasonal patterns that defined an earlier time. But I refuse to believe that we don't have the grit required to tackle this.

Truth lies in the the statement: "the answers you get depend on the questions you ask." There are people out there who are making attempts to change the system, bit by bit, brick by brick. Asking "how can we create..." is so much more helpful than trying to "fix" something broken. Fixing something without being clear on whether it will work toward a desired future or deliver more of the same is wasting time, resources and spirit.

"Fair Food: growing a healthy, sustainable food system for all" by Oran B. Herserman, PhD provides some jumping off points for people willing to take the risk of going against the grain of the current food system. But if you are like me, it won't feel like a risk, but rather just a logical step toward a better future.

You can learn more about this at the book's website. Oh, and I don't make anything if you buy the book there or anywhere else.

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