
Friday, March 4, 2011

Anticipating Summer

I know that most people are anticipating Spring, but I'm already past that and thinking about summer. The bounty that will be available (I hope!) and the fun I will have at the local markets as people talk to the growers and learn about the various varieties of things or perhaps a veggie they have never met.

It's only been fairly recently that I've realized how fortunate I was to grow up when and where I did... in the 50s and 60s with parents who not only gardened, but made wine, put up applesauce and pickles and had wonderful tasty ways to enjoy bumper crops. I think more people want to live the way I grew up. And I'm glad. But in a way sad too.

It's sad that we have to almost lose the things that have value when shiny, new products or processes come along. But in the end, the things that have staying power do just that, they stay. In the hearts and minds (and in my case, the taste buds!) of people who can pass them on to those who care to know.

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