
Sunday, July 24, 2011

How we got here, dietwise

Much has been written about how poor the average American's diet is. Growing up in the 50's and 60's we ate at home. My mother cooked every day, baked, canned and froze all types of garden abundance and only at Christmas did we have soft drinks in the house. That made them a treat and signaled family parties and gifts. Now soft drinks are a daily staple, choices of all types of food abound and people's lives are too hectic and busy to cook, except perhaps on holidays. That's when all the stress comes out anyway, so if you aren't attuned to cooking, it makes holiday cooking even more difficult to manage. For at least a decade before he died in 2002, my father talked about how "fat" everyone was. He was very observant and wise.

How did a nation of farmers, attuned to the seasons and careful to preserve what was available for times when it wasn't, shift into the anytime, anywhere, cheap food noshing people that so many do?  Here's a timeline that tells the story.

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