In the last post on this page I wrote about how lack of cooking was part of the problem of people not eating well. A recent article by a mom who knew and practiced healthy eating and lost the ability to when she lost her job gives another piece of the puzzle. Read the article here.
As part of that article she references the numbers associated with the SNAP program that provides food assistance to people. Those numbers are truly scary. Not only because of the amount provided to help feed a family, but the sheer numbers of people needing assistance and their growth over the last three years. Consider:
- In 2008 there were more than 28 million people receiving SNAP assistance. Two years into the Great Recession that number increased nearly 43% to more than 40 million.
- In 2008 the average monthly benefit per household was $226.60. Two years later, that benefit increased about 28% to $289.61. At the same time, most likely the number of mouths to feed in a household increased with kids coming home, people doubling up, more job losses and so on.
The challenges of eating healthy on a budget are real. And they are most likely going to be with us for the foreseeable future. So being as creative as possible, stretching budgets, reverting to canning, bartering and growing some portion of our diets are all needed. More ideas are needed as well.
Our parents or grandparents made it through the Great Depression. We need to relearn those skills and attitudes and muscle through our Great Recession. Maybe we can come out stronger, smarter and more compassionate on the other side.