
Thursday, August 11, 2011

If they only knew...

Back in the 60's the movie "The Graduate" had a famous line where the word "plastics" was used to signal a future of bright opportunity for the hero. It was a field that was held out to be full of promise (even though the word "plastic" was simultaneously a code word for everything youth of that day decried.) After decades of growth in use in almost everything imaginable - that promised bright future - we come to a discussion of some of the darker side of plastics. Not just the trash aspects, but now there are potential health issues too as use of plastic bottles has begun to be considered as a link to obesity and other health issues.

For more, see the full article at Supermarket Guru.

It seems that every day the world of my parents and grandparents - gardening, canning, re-using and being all around frugal - just makes more and more sense. It always did make sense to me, but now its a cry to arms against things that may be doing us irrevocable harm....

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