
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

In the Box

Today is the first day that I am writing in my....wait for Yes, an actual artist's studio at St. Joseph Michigan's Box Factory for the Arts. Number 23 Riverwalk in the lower level of the building. It feels a little pretentious to call myself an artist, but it's a moniker that has followed me around in one form or another for a long time. A "communication artist" was the term used by a career/life coach in the past. It felt not completely false so I lived with it and it has become something I can say without snickering. 

The goal of driving round trip about an hour to a place I had to be approved by a board to rent and paying rent every month use to have a place to write? Excellent question. One I don't have a full answer to and may not until the end of the year, if then. But in part it is to acknowledge the fact that writing is something that I need to do. In some ways it is as much a part of me as breathing. In other ways it is as difficult as telling someone that you don't love them any more. Whatever its relationship to me, this is a place where nothing but writing will occur. And where I am completely focused on writing.

What will I write? Another good question. I don't have grand plans for a novel or an essay or poem. I just know that I have so much in my head that needs to be captured. It is a way that I learn; after seeing what I've written about something I either understand it more deeply, in a new way or know that I still have work to do. Or perhaps I can finally put it aside and say; enough, there isn't sufficient time, energy, interest to do more. And that will be ok. 

Bottom line: chances are good that in the future when you see a post to this blog, it was written in this little oddly shaped, basement room that is devoid of all but the bare necessities - desk, chair, bookshelf, lamp and writing instruments. (I still use paper and pen as well as a computer.) Like with a good meal, simple ingredients well prepared result in amazing dishes. I can only hope the same for my writing. 


  1. Well, sort of. But it looks out on a basement hallway to other studios, not the outdoors.
