I know people who raise virtually everything they eat. These people bake, and preserve, and freeze and are almost completely self sufficient. They are the people of the Barbara Kingsolver ilk, (Animal, Vegetable, Miracle) who have walked away from what others would say is convenience. They spend the majority of their time on all things food: tending their garden, dealing with harvests; planning for planting; reading up on news about how to naturally deal with pests of all kinds. This is hands on gardening by people who aren't caught up in the fast-paced way of life that seems all but inevitable.
I also know people who are in love with the idea of gardening. Who believe in the concept of being close to their food and who sincerely care about the quality of what they eat. They plan, the plant, maybe even purchase a CSA. But they may poop out. Their garden does what gardens do and grows, but perhaps isn't tended, harvested or even visited because they are busy with other things. Their CSA arrives and if it doesn't contain exactly what they like, they scratch their head and question"what am I supposed to do with this!?" This is bounty wasted. Both in terms of the money to plan and plant on their part and their CSA farmer's, as well as the time that is often in short supply for us all. Sad for all the waste, not to mention the potential guilt/stress that "failing" to keep up with a garden and/or CSA can bring on.
I also know people who don't give a thought to where their food comes from. They assume they can get what they want, when they want it and it will be affordable. This has been the reality they have grown up with in this country. They may believe they are entitled to it and be seriously upset if they are inconvenienced when something they have a taste for isn't on the shelf when they reach for it. Yet more and more these people may find the cost of food increasing and its availability limited. Thanks to climate change and fossil fuel costs. According to the UN, the world is heading for a food crisis. Not the poor countries, the world.
Perhaps those people who live close to the land and rely on their own ingenuity to feed themselves will be ok when the food crisis hits. Perhaps those who are in love with gardening will find ways to rearrange their schedules and their preferences and become more engaged with their food. But in this country those two groups are not the majority of people, so what about them? What options do they have?
Perhaps those people who live close to the land and rely on their own ingenuity to feed themselves will be ok when the food crisis hits. Perhaps those who are in love with gardening will find ways to rearrange their schedules and their preferences and become more engaged with their food. But in this country those two groups are not the majority of people, so what about them? What options do they have?