Prying one's fingers off the old is my first step. Sometimes the saying that "the devil you know is better than the devil you don't" plays repeatedly in one's mind, resulting in stuckness, an inability to move. Its actually a misconception that all potential devils are equal. Of course, some absolutely are scary and to be avoided. Taking an action that has the likely result of harming health certainly is. Or acting vindictively, selfishly or ruthlessly is too. But when trying to take a step that is simply uncertain, holding potential that isn't fully formed or guaranteed, I've always found it's a bigger risk to do nothing.
A long-ago poem below is newly relevant: it's not possible to hold onto the old while trying to shape the new.
Waiting, Wondering
waiting, wondering.
Hanging on as the trapeze that is my life
Swings back and forth in an apparently unchanging arc.
On the other side opportunity, new perspectives, excitement beckon.
Hanging on as the trapeze that is my life
Swings back and forth in an apparently unchanging arc.
On the other side opportunity, new perspectives, excitement beckon.
Wanting, waiting, wondering.
What does it take after years of back and forth
To risk, exert myself, reach out
For that bar swinging toward me?
Wanting, waiting, wondering.
Deep breath, concentration, timing.
Now in the air, unprotected, reaching for the future -
Timelessness and space
A firm grasp and I'm there.
Copyright Paula T. Bartholome, 1998
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